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Life is only a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see In the quiet of the morning I stepped outside into the brisk October air, McKenzie and I were out for our morning walk.  The day was still dark, the sun rises later this time of year. Breathing in the crisp air, taking in […]

in the quiet of the morning . . .

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Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you  The problem is I don’t know exactly where my heart should take me . . . I seem to have lost my way lately, what do I want to photograph?  Do I even want to photograph anymore? I remember […]

Inspiration of the Heart

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“…and all at once, summer collapsed into fall.”  – Oscar Wilde As seasons go, summer is my favorite season!  There is a relaxed and slower feel to everything.  Barbecues, amazing flowers, color everywhere, and of course the beach.  This year our summer began with a trip to the west coast.  We visited Washington State, Oregon and […]

Summer’s Last Hurrah . . .

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I am nowhere near the end of my journey, photographs tell a story, my story. 

Every Life Has a Soundtrack . . .

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“Mayberry is a State of Mind.” Nestled in the rolling hills of Western Sonoma County, California, Brian and I found ourselves, after a very long day of driving, at the Valley Ford Inn in Valley Ford, California.

California with a slice of Mayberry . . .

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Good Friends are like Stars.  You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there. I wait with nervous anticipation, our first face to face meeting EVER! After nine years of knowing someone and never having met them in person, today is the day!  Brian and I anxiously wait at Starbucks in Carmel, […]

Dear Pen Pal . . .

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“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ~ Lao Tzu Many years ago, in another galaxy, just kidding! Really though, many years ago, I embarked on a journey called photography.  I didn’t know then, that it would become a hobby that would encompass my entire being, but it has. On this journey, […]

In the beginning . . .

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“A photograph is the pause button of LIFE.” On April 29th my first grandchild was born, a baby boy.  He is without a doubt, the most beautiful baby.  He has kept us busy with visits, snuggles and just loving him to pieces. I took a few weeks away from photography, just to spend time with […]

Pausing Life . . .

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Summer will soon be here and it will be welcomed with open arms.  Warm days, cools nights, beach filled weekends and just a general easiness.

first beach day . . .

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Inspiration is an amazing tool in any artists life, it’s where we get our ideas from, where we feel what we express to others.

inspiration . . .


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