Welcome! Thank you for stopping by. Take a few moments to sit back, relax and catch up on what is happening in my world. Join me for events and happenings in my life. I tell stories with flowers and through still life props.
Welcome to my blog! Thank you for stopping by. Please take a few moments to sit back, relax and catch up on what is happening in my world. I love to hear what is also happening in your world too.
Join me for happenings, seasonal flowers and their stories. Yes, I believe flowers have their own story, if you truly look and understand the color, softness and texture, flowers can tell a story.
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Our house is located on three acres, surrounded by woods. The sound of the leaves blowing gently in the breeze or even raindrops are comforting.
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The best views come after the hardest climb. We set out for an adventure to Bushkill Falls, Pennsylvania for a day of hiking, climbing and photography. Dubbed “The Niagara of Pennsylvania”, we wanted to see the waterfalls for ourselves. Little did I know, on this trip, there would be a third person joining us.